Showing posts with label Ticker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ticker. Show all posts

Thursday 23 January 2020

2019 excavation results of the Paphos Agora Project

The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, has announced the completion of the 2019 excavations of the Department of Classical Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, within the framework of the Pafos Agora Project (PAP). The PAP, which has been running since 2011, examines the economic infrastructure and activity of the city, not only on the basis of excavations in the Agora itself, but also outside of it, throughout the entire Archaeological Site of Kato Paphos, based on prospection with the use of non-invasive geophysical methods.

2019 excavation results of the Paphos Agora Project
Credit: Dept. of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus
Researchers from the Warsaw Technical University and the University of Hamburg participated in the 2019 field season, which took place during August and September 2019. Two main goals were set: 1) determining the size of the Agora in the north, and 2) identifying streets flanking it from the north and from the east. Excavations were carried out at four points.

The main research focused on three trial trenches (TT): on TT.VI, which began being investigated in 2018, and on two new ones founded in 2019 on the basis of the results of a geophysical prospection carried out in previous seasons. The first is TT.VII located on the north extension of the West Portico of the Agora, the second is TT.VIII on the north extension of the East Portico, whereas the fourth point, where excavations were carried out, was in TT.II, i.e. the East Portico, where the research was continued within the room, R.22, discovered last year, and whose exploration has not been completed.

Of the research tasks mentioned above, the second goal was met. In all trial trenches, it was possible to reveal either the street surfaces themselves (in TT.VIII) or the infrastructure associated with them (channels and collector in TT.VI and TT.VII). However, the northern border of the porticos was not discovered. An important result of the research was achieved in TT.VIII, i.e. the confirmation of the further route of the street marked as P in the city plan reconstructed by J. Młynarczyk (1990), which was also revealed to the south of the theatre by the expedition from Sydney, Australia.

2019 excavation results of the Paphos Agora Project
Credit: Dept. of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus
The PAP research in this year's season has also positively verified the route of street no. 1a, which is an extension of the internal line of the Agora’s West Portico (in TT.VII). However, street no. 2a was discovered in a slightly different place than it would appear from the reconstruction of Młynarczyk - about 20m to the east (TT.VI).

It should be emphasised that the studied area had been levelled in many places and subjected to robbery exploration, which has hindered the exploration and interpretation by the PAP. The recreation of the history of the studied area was also impeded by the unexpected discovery of several skeletal burials (TT.VII) dug into earlier structures. At present, not much can be said about the nature of this small necropolis. It cannot be ruled out that it may be related to an unearthed basilica, which may have been located a little further to the north-west from TT.VII.

The existence of this basilica was suggested during the initial analysis of geomagnetic research carried out as part of the PAP by the University of Hamburg in the area in 2016. More can be said once the research using the C14 method of dating on the remains of graves, primarily the wooden casket from grave 2, has been completed. It seems that the above-mentioned features, discovered in 2019, can be dated to the late Hellenistic and early Roman periods, while the cemetery could rather be dated to the late Roman period.

In parallel with the excavations, a small-scale geophysical survey, as well as the preservation of the metal objects and studies on conserved metal objects and coins have continued. In addition, a short study campaign on the anthropological material (skeletal remains) discovered during excavations in previous years was completed.

Source: Dept. of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus [January 23, 2020]

Ancient statue found in Cambodia's Siem Reap

Siem Reap Provincial Environment Department officials and archaeologists are conducting research on a large Makara animal statue carved on a rock at the Phnom Kulen National Park in Siem Reap province’s Svay Loeu district.

Ancient statue found in Cambodia's Siem Reap
Credit: Khmer Times

Provincial Department of Environment director Sun Kong said yesterday the head portion of the broken statue was found by a resident on Saturday and the officials went to inspect the site on Sunday.

He added that the statue was made of sandstone during the sixth century and the body was broken into pieces, noting that officials found 13 pieces of the body nearby the site.

Ancient statue found in Cambodia's Siem Reap
Credit: Khmer Times

Mr Kong said: “According to the experts, this Makara animal statue is one that we have never seen before. It is approximately 2.14 metres in length and about 0.97 metres high. We have not yet moved the body parts or excavated the head from the site and have told park rangers in the area to guard it in order for officials from relevant ministries and institutions to come and study in detail about the site’s history and reconstruct the pieces.”

He noted that experts have not found a foundation of any temple at the site and believe it was just carved out on the rock.

Ancient statue found in Cambodia's Siem Reap
Credit: Khmer Times

Chhim Samrithy, 38, a craftsman from the province who discovered the statue, said yesterday he spotted it on Saturday while searching for bamboo. “I usually walk in the forest to look for some unique and sacred objects and suddenly spotted this rare statue,” he said. “After seeing it, I took environmental officials and archaeologists to the site and also helped to find some of the missing pieces of the statue.”

Long Kosal, Apsara Authority spokesman, said that the authorities’ archaeologists visited the site yesterday and will conduct additional studies to add it to the records.

Ancient statue found in Cambodia's Siem Reap
Credit: Khmer Times
He said: “The Kulen National Park area is rich in ancient artefects, both above and below the ground. Therefore,  I urge people, especially those living in the area, to avoid excavating or clearing archaeological sites. If they find ancient objects, please report to the authorities for research to be done to preserve them for future generations.”

Author: Pech Sotheary | Source: Khmer Times [January 23, 2020]

Tuesday 21 January 2020

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon

In 2019, fieldwork in Old Sikyon was carried out from late June to the end of July and included archaeological excavations, a geoarchaeological survey and the study of architectural spolia.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
Drone picture of Trench 3A from southeast with the ‘Heroon’ and its surroundings
[Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
The excavations concentrated on six trenches in four different fields, four of which had already been started during previous seasons. In Field 3 north-east of the supposed city centre, the excavation of a late Classical building was continued in order to reveal a room to its full depth as well as part of its surroundings. The partly underground rectangular room (6.30 x 4.40 m) was made of walls of monumental blocks on two sides and of walls of mixed material on its two other sides and was originally covered with a tiled roof. Stairs led down into it from its north-eastern corner and maybe also from its south-western corner.

In direct contact with the bottom of the north, west and east walls, three Archaic graves (ca. 610-555 BC) cut into the bedrock were revealed. They contained multiple burials (men, women and children) and were marked by particular stones, but only one of them featured grave goods, including nine aryballoi and one askos (small vases) in the form of a hare dated to the early to middle Corinthian period. The building had at least two different construction phases and went probably out of use in the 2nd half of the 4th cent. BC, perhaps in connection with the destruction of the city in the year 303 BC.

On the base of the uncovered remains including the large amounts of pottery and various figurines found within this room, it can be interpreted as a sort of Heroon, where an ancestors’ cult and maybe also the veneration of chthonic deities were practiced. South of this room, a grave of the 5th cent. BC was uncovered, which contained as the only grave goods the remains of the shoes of the deceased, in the form of two iron frames, which originally were nailed to wooden soles.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
Grave from the 5th cent. BC next to the ‘Heroon’ in Trench 3A, with remains
of the shoes of the deceased [Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
In Field 7 further to the northeast in the outskirts of the city, a Classical or Early Hellenistic grave monument (ca. 350-300 BC) was further revealed (Trench 7C). Its architectural front of 4,60 m length was oriented along a road on its northern side. Only the lowest course over the foundation is preserved consisting of large limestone blocks connected by Z-clamps and featuring a cyma reversa.

On the western and eastern sides, two symmetrically placed blocks mark the limits of the monument. Two stone cist graves with a single burial of a grown-up in each were excavated within the monument, yielding rich and well-preserved grave goods: fine drinking cups, lidded lekanis bowls, miniature vases, lamps, a silver coin and iron strigiles.

In a higher level, the burned remains of a grave ritual were found, including dozens of fragments of human and animal figurines and numerous shapes (e.g. bowls, plates and pouring vessels) of a special type of red-slipped pottery stamped with a characteristic egg decoration. This type of pottery was probably produced locally between 340 and 275 BC. Just next to the monument, a deposit from the 5th cent. BC including six Attic lekythoi (one of which white-ground) and a kotyle was revealed, indicating the funeral use of this area at least from this time onwards.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
The grave monument from the late Classical or early Hellenistic period in Trench 7C
[Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
50 m northwest of this grave monument in an area outside the borders of the settlement, Classical building remains were found (Trench 7A), which, judging from the resistivity survey, could belong to a large building complex of ca. 18 x 20 m. A large room (2.50 x 2.50 m) and an adjacent smaller, corridor-like storage room (ca. 2.90 x 0.90 m) were completely revealed, while another room to the south was only partly excavated. On the base of many large fragments of storage vessels, the few fragments of fine-ware pottery, loom weights and coins might indicate an extra-urban workshop or agricultural context.

In Field 8 in the south-eastern part of the town, a new trench was opened on top of a large positive linear anomaly found with geomagnetic prospection, which could have indicated the trace of the city wall. Instead, part of a monumental late Classical building and in direct connection with it an early Hellenistic grave covered with tiles were excavated. The building might have had a public, cultic or funeral function.

Directly southeast of it, a four-sided floor-like surface was probably used for workshop activities. In the early Byzantine period, the area was used in an agricultural context, which is indicated by a large pithos with a preserved diameter of 1.40 m set up in an (indoor or outdoor) area bordered by walls. Also the large amount of burnt olive stones found in the corresponding layers and a large olive press in the neighbouring field indicate the production of olive oil.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
Remains of a grave ritual in Trench 7C with burned figurines and pottery
[Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
Private house remains from the 2nd half of the 4th cent. BC found in 2018 in Field 9 (Trench 9A) in the core of the city were further investigated this year. It was revealed that the walls of this habitation context were dug into a large floor from a slightly earlier phase and that floors of stamped earth belong to the phase of the walls.

Remains of earlier constructions were not found in this trench. An extension of the trench to the west (after a gap of 3 m due to a modern water pipe) yielded the continuation of the building complex in several walls belonging to different construction phases, which witness of continued domestic activity including reuse and rebuilding trough a longer period of time.

Another trench (9B) was opened on the south-western end of the same field and revealed the first archaic construction remains ever found in the area of Old Sikyon. The four Archaic walls are arranged around an area which could have formed a courtyard. In the Classical period, more walls and a drain made of roof-tiles were constructed, which were covered in the late Classical/early Hellenistic period again by a larger drain carefully made of Π-shaped stone blocks.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
Drone picture of Trench 7B with Classical building remains
[Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
In the eastern part of the trench, a boulder was installed earlier in the Classical period and surrounded by miniature vessels dating mainly to the 5th cent. BC, which indicates cultic activity. In the Hellenistic period the Π-shaped drain and its surroundings were covered and two perpendicular walls decorated with red- and yellow-painted stucco with a mortared pebble floor between them were installed. This representative private room indicates the sporadically continued use of the area for habitation also after the destruction of the old city.

3D documentation of the excavations was applied again by Toke Hansen (Museum of South-Eastern Denmark). For large-scale archaeobotanical studies, a particularly high number of 290 soil samples were collected and processed this year. In addition to that, samples for starch analysis were collected, particularly fragments from cooking and storage vessels, in order to investigate their content.

The 2019 field season was exceptionally rich in finds, many of excellent character, which were again processed at the Ephorate’s depot at Archaia Sikyona/Vasiliko. From Trench 3A particularly the Archaic grave goods have to be emphasized, but also the iron shoe frames as a special find. Furthermore, this trench yielded a high number of complete or partly complete vessels of all types, ranging from transport amphorae, vessels used for preparation and cooking of food and drinking cups in particular.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
Part of a monumental building from the late Classical period in Trench 8A
[Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
From Trench 7A, the high amounts of storage vessels stand out, while the late Classical grave goods of Trench 7C along with the Attic lekythoi and the remains of a ritual pyre represent particularly excellent material, providing a proof for the existence of an independent and high-quality Sikyonian pottery production.

The grave goods from Trench 8A form an interesting Hellenistic ensemble. Trench 9B yielded a few fragments of Helladic pottery and many impressive fine-ware fragments from the Geometric, Archaic and Classical periods, indicating continuous activity in this area over a long period.

Also in terms of coins, the season was particularly yielding. They were studied again by Michael Ierardi (Bridgewater State University). All in all, 24 coins were found, most of which are from Sikyon (one from the 5th cent. BC and five to six from the 4th c. BC), others from other Greek states including Corinth, Salamis (Cyprus), Mykonos and Syracuse.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
Removal of the large Byzantine pithos from Trench 8A
[Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
The stone objects were again studied by Pernille Foss (University of Copenhagen), some skeletons were investigated by Mette Arenfeldt (Museum of Southern Jutland) and the conservation of the most important finds was, as in previous years, taken over by the conservator Angeliki Kandri. In the framework of a Master’s thesis, Melanie Nguyen (University of Regensburg) studied the spolia from the former church of Agia Varvara in the southwest of the study area.

The geoarchaeological survey was continued by Chris Hayward (University of Edinburgh), who identified more rock varieties used in excavated structures and undertook further systematic surveys of exposures of bedrock within the Sikyonia to identify the types and exploitable volumes of construction stone available and traces of ancient quarrying. The results suggest that the high-quality oolitic limestone used in Old Sikyon originated from Corinthian, rather than Sikyonian sources, while calcarenite suitable for ashlar masonry is present near to the city’s location and plentiful supplies of conglomerate and local calcarenites were available for rubble construction.

The results of the 2019 campaign greatly enhance our knowledge of the private architecture of different phases of Old Sikyon including home decor and storage facilities, and of workshop arrangements. Moreover, a great range of important information about burial rites and practices over time, grave rituals, ancestors’ cult and burial monuments was collected.

2019 excavation results at ancient Greek city of Sikyon
Drone picture of Trench 9A with domestic structures
[Credit: Hellenic Ministry of Culture]
After the results of the 2019 season and the range of information gained in the field seasons of the first phase of the project, it would be particularly desirable to continue the research in Old Sikyon in a second project phase, in order to clarify the remaining important questions of topography, which concern the different parts of fortification, the more detailed form of the harbour and the harbour town and the inner organisation of the city including the city centre and the street grid, in order to gain a more thorough insight into Old Sikyon’s material culture, including the famous Sikyonian sculpture and local pottery, and in order to investigate the social and cultural practices of life in the old city over time.

The rich material collected in the field seasons 2015-2019 represents an excellent base for such studies, but needs to be complemented for both, a broader overview and a deeper insight.

Credit: Danish Institute at Athens [January 21, 2020]

Malta Survey Project finds ancient farm complex under Bidnija fields

A Ground Penetrating Radar installed during studies carried out in the Malta Survey Project discovered the presence of extensive buried structures in a number of Bidnija fields, believed to be those of a farm complex, or villa rustica, of Roman date. This discovery involved the joint effort of the University of Malta, the University of Ghent (Belgium) and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage between 2008 and 2012.

Malta Survey Project finds ancient farm complex under Bidnija fields
Fieldwalkers collecting artefacts from the surface of a Bidnija field
[Credit: Nicholas Vella, University of Malta]
The Olea Project, as it is being called, was presented by Prof Nicholas Vella from the Department of Classics and Archaeology at UM and David Cardona, Senior Curator of Phoenician and Roman Sites at Heritage Malta.

In this respect, a trilateral agreement between the University of Malta, Heritage Malta and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage was recently signed as a sign of collaboration in the study and conservation of a rural site in Bidnija with significant archaeological potential.

The Malta Survey Project was carried out to understand long-term development and exploitation of Malta’s countryside in ancient times – mainly through a field walking technique in which teams of archaeologists walked across open areas and fields, collecting artefacts, such as pottery fragments, from the surface.

Malta Survey Project finds ancient farm complex under Bidnija fields
Limestone vat, probably of Roman date in a field in Bidnija
[Credit: Nicholas Vella, University of Malta]
Until 2012, more than 60,000 artefacts consisting of fragments of pottery, worked stone, tile, marble, plaster, and glass were catalogued. ‘Hotspots’ with high artefact densities were identified in three fields situated around the Bidnija olive grove containing trees that are at least 1800-years-old. The remains of the farm complex lie below one of these fields. Preliminary studies have also indicated another buried structure in the vicinity which seems to be a sizeable underground cistern.

For many years, this area has been known for the presence of archaeological remains, including a stone vat that was probably meant for storing olive oil. Similar vats were discovered at the well-known Roman villa site of San Pawl Milqi located just half a kilometre away from Bidnija, above the village of Burmarrad.

The Lands Authority has now transferred the title of lease of the Bidnija site to Heritage Malta in order to protect the buried archaeological remains and the olive grove, and to facilitate research as part of the Olea project.

Malta Survey Project finds ancient farm complex under Bidnija fields
1,800-year-old olive grove in Bidnija [Credit: Nicholas Vella,
University of Malta]
University of Malta Rector, Prof. Alfred J. Vella, commended this agreement and said that such a project epitomises what universities should be doing; engaging with their partners in society and with important national agencies in order to generate knowledge.

He also noted the introduction of a modest sum in this year’s national budget dedicated to academic research at the University of Malta. In an area dominated for so long by foreigners, he insisted that it was due time for local scholars to assert a national research agenda independently whilst drawing up external collaboration when this is required.

Joseph Magro Conti, Superintendent of Cultural Heritage, welcomed this unprecedented agreement where the three entities are pooling resources to address research questions about an archaeological landscape. He declared that such projects will lead to a better working relationship between the entities. He also advocated the setting up of a formal research agenda so that the respective entities could work towards convergent aims, objectives and deliverables in a systematic manner.

Malta Survey Project finds ancient farm complex under Bidnija fields
An archaeologist doing ground-penetrating radar runs
[Credit: Nicholas Vella, University of Malta]
Heritage Malta CEO, Noel Zammit, explained that the Agency’s mission is to ensure that those elements of cultural heritage entrusted to it are protected and made accessible to the public. However, the real added value of this mission is the ability to do research and produce information about Malta’s cultural heritage that is disseminated to society in a timely manner. He explained that such collaborations with other entities are the way forward and more resources should be invested in support of such worthy initiatives.

Source: University of Malta [January 21, 2020]

Monday 20 January 2020

Excavations at ancient sanctuary in Jordan Valley offer glimpse into area’s religious past

During the ninth season of excavation at Tell Damiyah (Damiyah Hill) in the central Jordan Valley, a joint project of the Yarmouk University and the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities, a team of researchers uncovered three additional rooms of a religious complex dating to around 700 BC, a Dutch scholar said.

Excavations at ancient sanctuary in Jordan Valley offer glimpse into area’s religious past
The archaeological research at the Tell Damiyah site is directed by Dr Lucas Petit, Head of Collections and Research
 Department at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, and Dr Zeidan Kafafi, professor of archaeology
 at Yarmouk University, Jordan. The main objective is to reconstruct the occupational history of the site
from 1400 to 500 BC [Credit: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden]
“Finds of previous seasons, such as clay statues and figurines, have astonished the world since in-situ religious contexts are extremely rare in the southern Levant,” said archaeologist Lucas Petit, adding that the discovery of non-local objects in and around the complex suggests that the sanctuary was used by local as well as international people.

Travellers and traders were welcomed at Tell Damiyah seemingly independent of their cultural and religious background, Petit continued, adding that nothing inside the sanctuary gives a clue about the type of deities that were worshipped.

Excavations at ancient sanctuary in Jordan Valley offer glimpse into area’s religious past
Erwin and Martijn Kanters scan one of the storage rooms
[Credit: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden]
“Taking into account that during the Iron Age II [1000-550 BC], religion in this area changed gradually from polytheism to monotheism, we consider Tell Damiyah a very liberal place of worship,” the scholar said.

He added that during the previous season, the team uncovered two rooms of the complex, which contained storage jars filled with burnt food products including barley and wheat.

Excavations at ancient sanctuary in Jordan Valley offer glimpse into area’s religious past
Clay statue of a female figure with traces of paint
[Credit: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden]
“Since the settlement is very small and only partly inhabited, these food supplies support our idea that Damiyah was a kind of caravanserai [a roadside inn where caravaners could rest] with a sanctuary,” the scholar added.

He also noted that inscriptions found at Tell Mazar, which is close to Tell Damiyah, can be dated to the 6th century  BC, the Persian period (5th century BC) and the early Hellenistic period (4th-3rd century BC).

Excavations at ancient sanctuary in Jordan Valley offer glimpse into area’s religious past
The team of researchers from Yarmouk University and the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities
working at Tell Damiyah in the central Jordan Valley [Credit: Lucas Petit]
“Not all inscriptions were found in a good context, and the texts have suffered severe degeneration. It is therefore difficult to use those texts for understanding the area or for constructing its history,” Petit said, adding that both the content as well as the script are nonetheless a significant addition to the relatively small corpus of inscriptions from the central Jordan Valley.

In Autumn 2019, researchers at the excavation site at Tell Damiyah discovered four sherds with inscriptions, very comparable to those discovered at Tell Mazar, both in terms of inscriptions and date. Research on these objects is ongoing, the archaeologist added.

Author: Saeb Rawashdeh | Source: The Jordan Times [January 20, 2020]