Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts

Friday 17 January 2020

2,000-year-old burials found near ancient city of Laodicea in SW Turkey

Survey excavations that have been carried out in a field for the construction of a stadium have unearthed 2,000-year-old burials. The area in the western Turkish province of Denizli was declared a first-degree excavations area, while another place will be searched for the stadium, the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality announced.

2,000-year-old burials found near ancient city of Laodicea in SW Turkey
Credit: DHA
Some time ago, the municipality applied to the Aydın Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Board to carry out a survey in a field of 70,000 square meters in a third-degree archaeological site, located close to the ancient city of Laodicea in Eskihisar neighborhood, for the construction of a new stadium.

Upon the application, archaeological drilling was carried out in the region under the supervision of Laodicea excavation team and the museum directorate.

2,000-year-old burials found near ancient city of Laodicea in SW Turkey
Credit: DHA
During the drilling, carried out in the south of Laodicea highway, where the stadium was planned to be constructed, a nearly 2,000-year-old burial vault surrounded with a wall was discovered.

During the excavations, a rectangular family burial chamber was uncovered. A travertine sarcophagus and tombs were found in the burial chamber.

2,000-year-old burials found near ancient city of Laodicea in SW Turkey
Credit: DHA
Inside the tombs were a bronze Empire Caracalla coin (211-217 AD), a silver plated Empire Valerianus coin (253-260 AD) along with four glass bottles, some of which were broken, two terracotta bottles, 11 terracotta oil lamps, Eros figure head, three terracotta bowls, terracotta cooking pots, five bone hair pins, bone spoon pieces and a rectangular bronze box fragment that has been corroded and tomb gifts.

It was stated that the skeletons were destroyed, dispersed and some parts of them were completely melted because of humidity in the field and burglars. The historical artifacts were taken under protection by the Denizli Museum Directorate.

2,000-year-old burials found near ancient city of Laodicea in SW Turkey
Credit: DHA
The area, which was the third-degree archaeological site, was declared a first-degree archaeological site with the presence of the historical tomb. Another area will be looked for the stadium to be built by the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality.

Source: Hurriyet Daily News [January 17, 2020]