Showing posts with label jim crane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jim crane. Show all posts

Friday 31 January 2020



Why would you apologize for something you don't do? NO... you wouldn't.

You apologize for something you did wrong, in the hopes you'll be forgiven. Here's the problem with the word "apology" and the "Astros". They changed the entire landscape in their quest to be greedy over the past few years. Players that weren't Astros players should have received accolades for their high level of play, but didn't because Astros players received them by cheating instead.

Teams that probably should have won didn't... because the Astros cheated their way to winning.  Even guys that probably should have received a much bigger pay day after a stellar season were affected, because the Astros cheated to get bigger contracts and bonuses.

In short, what Jim Crane, the owner of the Houston Astros wants is for his players to apologize so he can get ahead of it, and then have a 2020 season with controversy removed.  He wants to get past it. But here's the thing... the Astros will ALWAYS be tarnished and tainted now. They are untrustworthy.

Because the Astros are admitting guilt if they apologize for the sign-stealing scandal.  I am telling you right now... Rob Manfred and MLB brass better re-open an investigation into these idiots... because every single day it gets worse.

And if the Astros players come out and apologize for the sign-stealing scandal, it means they are part of the problem and guilty... not part of the solution of fixing the game like Jim Crane thinks.

The Houston Chronicle writes:

"A “strong statement” of apology is coming from the Astros players involved in electronic sign-stealing during the 2017 and 2018 seasons, owner Jim Crane said Tuesday."

And there's more. Sports Illustrated writes what Crane said:

"When we get down to Spring Training, we'll all get them together and they'll come out with a strong statement as a team and, I think, apologize for what happened and move forward," Crane said on Tuesday before the Houston Sports Awards. "We're going to sit in a room and talk about it, then we'll come out and address the press. All of them will address the press, either as a group or individually. Quite frankly, we'll apologize for what happened, ask for forgiveness and move forward."

Crane fired former Astros manager A.J. Hinch and general manager Jeff Luhnow for their role in the sign-stealing scandal on Jan. 13. The Astros were also fined $5 million and forced to forfeit first- and second-round picks in the 2020 and 2021 MLB drafts. 

The Astros owner was given the Executive of the Year Award on Tuesday. Astros third baseman Alex Bregman was named Houston Athlete of the Year."

I have to tell you... any noble, strong and smart player would return the Athlete of the Year award after a scandal like this. Bregman is a turd for even accepting it. And Crane, he made millions off of the Astros cheating scandal. The fact that MLB is not pressuring him into selling the team is outrageous. Jim Crane is part of the problem.  THEY ALL NEED TO GO.

I'm starting to worry the Rob Manfred is orchestrating this entire thing so he doesn't have to reinvestigate the Astros.  Whatever the case... this entire scandal sucks and I won't rest here at BYB. We will continue to write about it until there is more punishment, more firings and more fines. And ultimately, I want to see a handful of these assholes banned from baseball for life.  Bottom line.

Sunday 26 January 2020


Someone has finally come out from hiding! It's about damn time ladies and gentleman. These players have been running and hiding for too long. It's come to come out and face the music, cheaters! We have our first "apology" and it comes from cheating former Cy Young Dallas Keuchel.

Multiple sources are reporting this so-called "apology" but I am going to go with HERE. All news outlets are reporting this as an "apology" but I heard no apology. I heard a "sorry not sorry" and here is how I interpret some of his quotes:

"I think first and foremost, apologies should be in order ... for everyone on the team. When stuff was going on, it was never intended to be what it's made to be right now."

Literal translation: I am ONLY SORRY THAT I GOT CAUGHT. Now that I am with the Chicago White Sox I don't want to be a distraction. My new team probably expects this from me. Oh yeah...Jim Crane said he expects me to apologize too even though I don't play for his organization anymore. I'm trying to not make people hate me forever. The cheating was only supposed to be a temporary thing but we just couldn't stop. I didn't think I would be part of a huge baseball scandal!

"It’s just what the state of baseball was at that point and time. Was it against the rules? Yes, it was. I personally am sorry for what’s come about, the whole situation. But it is what it is, and we have to move past that. I never thought anything would have come like it did, and I myself am sorry. We have to move on.

Literal translation: This is how the game is played now. I only helped contribute to that. I disgraced the game. I AM a disgrace, but that's how the game is played now. I am not sorry for what I did, only that I got caught. I don't want to talk about this anymore so can we change the subject? K Thanks!

"But during the course of the playoffs in ’17, everybody was using multiple signs. For factual purposes, when there’s nobody on base, when in the history of Major League Baseball has there been multiple signs? You can go back and watch film of every team in the playoffs. There was probably six out of eight teams using multiple signs."

Literal translation:  My gosh, stop picking on the Astros! It's not like we were the only ones cheating. Other teams were doing it too! I just can't say anything that will take the focus off of my team cheating...but you should go check it out, k? Everyone cheats, you just want to focus on the Astros!

"I could tell you, not every game there was signs being stolen, not like every game we had everything going on."
Literal translation: Oh my gosh, shut up! It's not like we cheated EVERY GAME. It was only A LOT of them. I mean, we only did it at home AND for big match-ups AND for Sunday Night ESPN games, AND against division rivals. That's all I swear!

"You are pushing 185, 200 games, and it sucks to the extent of the clubhouse rule that was broken. I mean, that’s where I’ll go with that. I don’t really have much else to say about Mike."

Literal translation: DUDE, Mike Fiers broke "the code" and now since he opened his big mouth I have to try and run damage control. You suck, Fiers! We aren't cool anymore. You should know better and thanks to your big mouth I am in trouble!

You get the point. But honestly....Keuchel you are a pathetic human being. So is Bob Nightengale again too because he was stupid enough to try and defend you after he tried to defend Carlos Beltran. This only can't make some things up!

Of course, I had to respond:

Do we want to take bets on who "apologizes" next? Bottom line here is Keuchel is a pathetic, cheating human being and he can keep his fake-ass apologies to himself. Oh and Bob Nightengale wears egg on his face again for his stupid tweet!

I'm all for someone standing up, admitting fault and accepting consequences for their actions....but that is not what Keuchel did. No respect for this circus show. Will anyone give a sincere apology? You know there is more to come....and we won't stop covering this.

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj 

Wednesday 22 January 2020


And just like that, it's time to cut off Rob Manfred's head too... especially if the latest allegations are in fact true.

Earlier today Bleeding Yankee Blue reported on the outrageous suggestion that Astros Owner Jim Crane would have all his loser cheating team come forward and apologize for their sins at Spring Training (READ). It was a way for the Astros to prove to the baseball world, the fans, that mistakes happen... and they made plenty. But they are moving past it and are deeply, DEEPLY sorry.

This no doubt would pull on the heartstrings of baseball America... and in turn, we would feel a little bad for giving them all such a hard time... or at least that's what they would think. After all... this is America, we believe in second chances right?

Not so fast.  First of all, the notion that this Jim Crane turd is orchestrating the entire thing... firing Hinch, firing Luhnow… claiming his Astros team will fix it with apology is just outrageous.  Why? Well... because during the time of this sign-stealing scandal, the Astros had made Crane millions and millions of dollars.  He is part of the problem. He shouldn't be trying to fix it, he should be removed like the rest of them.

But now this… the most outrageous part of this scandal, and it's reached the top. A claim made that perhaps there is a deal in place between MLB and the Houston Astros, and if this is true, heads need to roll... from players, to owners... to the Houston front office, to even Rob Manfred stepping down.

Read this from the Wall Street Journal. The Journal has broken it wide open and now it's time to come after them all HARD. Excellent journalism here:

"...while Manfred suspended Houston general manager Jeff Luhnow and field manager A.J. Hinch for the 2020 season—they were later fired—no active players were even named for their involvement.

Manfred justified that decision by saying it would have been "difficult and impractical" to punish players, given that virtually all of them had knowledge of or were involved in the operation to use technology to illicitly obtain and relay opposing catchers' signals. But there is a simpler explanation for why no players were penalized: The league and the MLB Players Association struck an agreement early in the process that granted immunity in exchange for honest testimony, according to several people familiar with the matter. 

The league was quick to make such an offer, these people said, in part because it did not believe it would win subsequent grievances with any players it attempted to discipline. That's partly because of a bureaucratic shortcoming: The Astros' front office never discussed with players the league's admonitions against using electronic devices to steal signs, according to Manfred's statement. The deal is a sign of MLB's desire for a speedy and conflict-free investigation, the continuing power of the baseball players' union and the fragile state of the sport's labor relations. 

The promise of amnesty allowed the league to interview 23 current and former Astros players during the two-month investigation. The result is a situation that led to the harshest penalties in recent baseball history—none of them directed at the people Manfred said actually committed the offense. That has attracted public criticism even from some players who are members of the union."

I'm making that bold and big with the hopes that everyone will read this.  In the end, this goes further as one of the biggest MLB Scandals ever, and if true, the entire baseball league is and should be rocked.  How in the world do you cover-up wrongdoing? What is MLB thinking? What is Rob Manfred thinking?

Fire them all. Bring this to a new level now. Congress.  This is something that stinks in baseball and while the Astros are a despicable organization and will never get a fair look again, it is Major League Baseball that now has some real important questions to answer.  Rob Manfred... WE WANT ANSWERS!

Stay tuned folks. BYB refuses to go away from this story.  We will keep you up to date ever step of the way.