Showing posts with label william and kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label william and kate. Show all posts

Sunday 26 January 2020

UPDATED: The Duchess Photographs Holocaust Survivors: "Their Stories Will Stay With Me Forever"

Ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day 2020 tomorrow, it has been revealed the Duchess of Cambridge photographed two Holocaust survivors, Steven Frank and Yvonne Bernstein, with their grandchildren. The portraits will be part of a new exhibition due to open later this year, which will bring together 75 images of survivors with their loved ones to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust. Kate took the photos earlier this month at Kensington Palace in her role as patron of the Royal Photographic Society.

Steven Frank was photographed with his granddaughters Maggie and Trixie. Originally from Amsterdam, Steven survived several concentration camps as a child. It was heartbreaking to read Steven and his brothers were 3 of only 93 children out of 15,000 who survived Theresienstadt camp where life or death was determined capriciously. 

Speaking about the project Mr Frank said "I would hope that the people who look at these pictures not only look at the beauty of the photography, but they will also think of the people behind the photos and their families that they lost in the Holocaust". Below Steven (in the centre) with his parents and brothers as a young boy.

His granddaughter Trixie said: ‘It was amazing, The Duchess of Cambridge was really interested in our family and in Opa’s story, and the items we brought with us.’ Her sister Maggie said ‘I think it helped put into perspective that he’s just our Opa – he’s our grandpa as well as a Holocaust survivor. It’s important to tell the story so it doesn’t happen again.’

Yvonne Bernstein is originally from Germany. She was a hidden child throughout most of the Holocaust travelling in the care of relatives through France and frequently changing homes. Yvonne was photographed with her eleven-year-old granddaughter Chloe Wright.

Yvonne pictured as a little girl.

Speaking about the experience and the impact of meeting survivors, the Duchess said: "The harrowing atrocities of the Holocaust, which were caused by the most unthinkable evil, will forever lay heavy in our hearts.  Yet it is so often through the most unimaginable adversity that the most remarkable people flourish. Despite unbelievable trauma at the start of their lives, Yvonne Bernstein and Steven Frank are two of the most life-affirming people that I have had the privilege to meet. They look back on their experiences with sadness but also with gratitude that they were some of the lucky few to make it through. Their stories will stay with me forever".

Kate continued "While I have been lucky enough to meet two of the now very few survivors, I recognise not everyone in the future will be able to hear these stories first hand. It is vital that their memories are preserved and passed on to future generations, so that what they went through will never be forgotten. I recall reading the Diary of Anne Frank as a young girl. Her sensitive and intimate interpretation of the horrors of the time was one of the underlying inspirations behind the images. I wanted to make the portraits deeply personal to Yvonne and Steven – a celebration of family and the life that they have built since they both arrived in Britain in the 1940s."

The Duchess was inspired by 17th century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer because both Steven and Yvonne have strong links to the Netherlands. The Evening Standard reports: "The pictures were taken next to a window that brought in light from the east, the direction of Jerusalem." Kate viewed several of Vermeer's works including 'Girl With A Pearl Earring' at the Mauritshuis art museum during her first solo overseas visit to the the Netherlands in 2016. 

Readers will recall William and Kate visited Stutthof in Poland in 2017. Stutthof was generally regarded as having been amongst the worst in the Nazi concentration camps, causing the deaths of tens of thousands. They met two survivors Zigi Shipper and Manfred Goldberg who shared their harrowing stories. Kate said to them: "What you have been through and you still hold in your memories must be extremely difficult to speak about. Thank you very much for meeting us."

The Holocaust Memorial Trust shared more on the exhibition:

'We are pleased to have worked in partnership with Jewish News and the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) on this exciting project. The project aims to honour the victims of the Holocaust and to celebrate the full lives that survivors have built in the UK, and was originally conceived by Justin Cohen of the Jewish News. 
Each of the portraits depicts the special connection between a survivor and younger generations of their family, who over the coming years will carry the legacy of their grandparents. However, the project also aims to inspire people across the UK to consider their own responsibility to remember and share the stories of those who endured persecution at the hands of the Nazis.
Olivia Marks-Woldman, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, said of the project: ‘We are so pleased to be part of this project, as people from across the UK come together to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. The exhibition will be a fitting way to mark 75 years since the world was left scarred by the Holocaust. The survivors featured in these portraits all have very different stories, but each of their lives has been fundamentally changed by the trauma and loss they experienced. What connects these individuals is that, after systematic persecution, they all made the UK their home and the country has been enriched by them and their families.'

The RPS also shared a portrait of John Hajdu, who survived the Budapest Ghetto, with his grandson Zac. It was taken by South African photographer Jillian Edelstein.

Swiss-born portrait photographer Frederic Aranda photographed Joan Salter with her husband Martin and daughter Shelley. Joan who fled the Nazis as a young child said "When I give my talks I show family photos, because I think it’s so important for them to see us as human beings, especially if they have just seen images of people in camps. I think the fact that the exhibition will include so many different experiences is so important – it will give a much broader idea of what it was like during the Holocaust rather than just hearing from one survivor."

As noted above, the exhibition is the brainchild of Justin Cohen. He wrote a superb piece detailing Kate's involvement from the moment he contacted the Palace to the photography session itself. You can read it in its entirety on the Jewish News website:

'Of course Kensington Palace don’t routinely provide behind-the scenes detail on the machinations that go into such projects but to me, as the grandson of a refugee from the Nazis, it’s important people know this was far from a ‘point and click’ job. I hope that I won’t be sent to the Tower but this time I’ll take the risk.
Having approached the Palace six months ago with the seeds of an idea for a photography project involving the Duchess to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz, I was delighted (not to mention surprised given the weight of requests the Royals receive) to receive a call asking for more details. Further calls followed and it wasn’t long before Palace aides suggested bringing in the Royal Photographic Society, where she is a patron, to help make my vision of 75 images a reality, and involving the families of survivors to highlight their fortitude in building full lives after the horrors.
But I didn’t dare believe this project would happen until I learnt how much time and thought the Duchess was personally putting into it. The fine art graduate spent several days researching what she could bring to the table in order to best capture these individuals for the future. She was at pains to ensure the survivors were comfortable with the vision and that the spotlight was on the heroes to be pictured and not the Duchess herself.'

Kate did a beautiful job with the portraits; from echoing Vermeer's fondness for domestic interiors in honour of Steven and Yvonne's connections to the Netherlands to using light from the east, it was filled with personal touches. At the heart of this is family history shared through generations and seeing the courage, determination and journey Steven and Yvonne have endured through the eyes of their grandchildren. We saw Steven's granddaughters gazing lovingly at him and Yvonne's tender moment with Chloe. I found the photos and the entire project deeply moving. As children living in a constant state of fear and uncertainty during the Holocaust, Steven and Yvonne must have had many moments where they thought their chances of survival abysmal at best. I'm sure they never imagined they would be recounting their experiences with future generations of their families 75 years later.

Tomorrow, the Duke and Duchess will attend the UK Holocaust Memorial Day Commemorative Ceremony in Westminster.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Kate Discusses Feeling "Isolated" & Returns To HMP Send Women's Prison For Survey Launch

It was a busy and exciting day for the Duchess of Cambridge as she travelled to Cardiff and Surrey for events marking the launch of her early years project - 5 Big Questions. Speaking about the landmark survey Kate said: "Parents, carers and families are at the heart of caring for children in the formative years, so that is why I want to listen to them. As a parent I know how much we cherish the future health and happiness of our children. The Early Years are more crucial for future health and happiness than any other moment in our lifetime. I want to hear the key issues affecting our families and communities so I can focus my work on where it is needed most."

The Duchess was due to begin the packed day at LEYF Nursery in Southwark, for the nursery drop off, but had to cancel due to weather conditions which would have affected travel plans. Kate kicked off the day with a solo visit to Cardiff in Wales where she joined a baby sensory class at Ely and Careau Children’s Centre.

The survey "aims to spark the biggest ever conversation on early childhood that will ultimately help bring about positive, lasting change for generations to come." It's being conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the Royal Foundation and will last for a month. The results will be revealed in March and will determine the next steps in Kate's early years work.

David Holmes, chief executive of Kate's patronage Family Action said:

"Every parent, carer and family wants the best for their child and raising the profile of the vital early years in a child’s life is work of national importance. The insight this survey will give the early years sector valuable direction in designing and delivering services and support which reflect what matters most to people."

More from The BBC:

'Kate Stanley, from the NSPCC, says the duchess's survey will "provide fascinating insight into how we think about the early years and it will be a vital source of information for the sector".
Asked about the value of the questionnaire, she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Tuesday the results of the survey would help inform "the kind of conversation we need to have" with parents about the importance of a child's early years.'

During a conversation with parents and staff, Kate opened up about feeling isolated during those first weeks in Anglesey with George. Over the years, the Duchess has touched on the difficulties she experienced as a new mother. Being back in Wales today for the survey launch felt like the right time to elaborate more.

Kate said: "It’s nice to be back in Wales. I was chatting to some of the mums. It was the first year and I’d just had George - William was still working with search and rescue and we came up here and I had a tiny, tiny baby in the middle of Anglesey. It was so isolated, so cut off. I didn’t have any family around, and he was doing night shifts. If only I had had a center like this." I think it's so important for the royals to share their own experiences, it also offers a wider understanding of Kate's interest in this area.

People reports:

'The mom of three was visiting the innovative Ely and Careau Children’s Centre in an economically challenged area of the Welsh capital, where parents can get support as well as enroll their kids into the kindergarten.
“I see amazing work you’re doing here in so many areas,” she said. “It’s just bringing it to light. The critical work you’re doing has a massive social — and economic — impact later down the years.
One of the center’s workers talked about how they tried to accommodate the concerns of parents who have questions raising their kids “this way or that way.” Kate said with a smile, “That’s why I wanted to do the survey. Unless parents are supported, it makes the job that much harder.”

Kate heard first-hand about the support the centre provides.

And enjoyed speaking to several mums and their babies.

This little one was excited to show Kate around :)

During  a visit to the children's playhouse 'Cath's Cottage'.

Kate said she loved it adding, "It's their own little world".

People's Simon Perry heard a special conversation between the Duchess and a little boy named River.

'Earlier, she met little River Rowson, 3, who was playing greengrocers with some pals. He was showing her some Brussels Sprouts and Broccoli. “Are you cooking too?” she asked as he offered some vegetables. “Are you going to make a stir fry?”
River clearly liked his new pal. “You’re my friend,” he told her, to which Kate replied, “You’re my friend too.”

There's plenty of footage from the conversation and the entire visit in the video below.

Afterwards, Kate returned to HMP Send women's prison in Surrey.

In 2015, the Duchess visited HMP Send to meet a group of women to discuss their experiences and the role addiction played in their lives. Following the visit, Kate said "I was reminded today how addictions lie at the heart of so many social issues and how substance misuse can play such destructive role in vulnerable people's lives. I saw again today that a failure to intervene early in life to tackle mental health problems and other challenges can have profound consequences for people throughout their lives. I am grateful to the women I met for sharing their difficult personal stories with me. It is encouraging to learn how organisations like RAPt are offering specialist support to help people break the cycle of addiction and look forward to a positive and crime free life."

Today, Kate reunited with some of the women she met almost five years ago to discuss how they are rebuilding their families.

Kate learned about the work of The Forward Trust and their efforts supporting clients to improve their relationships and often times reconnect with their children.

Over tea and cake, they discussed the challenges and hardships on families when a parent is in prison.

Kate asked the group how much their experiences as adults were influenced by their childhood. Several of the women immediately replied "all of it".

More from The Telegraph:

'During a later visit to Send Prison, near Woking in Surrey, Kate talked to prisoners who trace their history of offending and addiction back to troubled childhoods involving domestic violence, absent parents, drug and alcohol abuse.
“It really shocked me when I came here last time how early the challenges were that you faced,” the Duchess told a group of ex-offenders, including three women she met in 2015 when they were serving sentences. 
One prisoner, Francesca, told Kate that the prison’s 12-step drug treatment programme had changed her life, adding: “Coming to jail is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.”
The Duchess smiled and said: “It's so often I hear that. Why does it have to get to that point before people receive the help and support?" 

Send houses around 280 prisoners, with a higher proportion of prisoners serving life for murder than any other prison.

Former inmates include the Duchess of York's former hairdresser, Jane Andrews, who murdered her boyfriend.

A refresher on the questions in the survey:

Question 1:
What do you believe is most important for children growing up in the UK today to live a happy adult life. Rank from most important to least important.

• Good physical and mental health
• Good friendships and relationships
• Access to opportunities
• Access to a good education

Question 2:
Which of these statements is closest to your opinion?

• It is primarily the responsibility of parents to give children aged 0-5 the best chance of health and happiness
• It is primarily the responsibility of others in society to give children aged 0-5 the best chance of health and happiness
• It is the shared responsibility of parents and others in society to give children aged 0-5 the best chance of health and happiness
• Don’t know

Question 3:
How much do you agree or disagree with this statement: The mental health and wellbeing of parents and carers has a great impact on the development of their child(ren)?

• Strongly agree
• Tend to agree
• Neither agree nor disagree
• Tend to disagree
• Strongly disagree

Question 4:
Which of the following is closest to your opinion of what influences how children develop from the start of pregnancy to age 5?

• Mostly the traits a child is born with (i.e. nature)
• Mostly the experiences of a child in the early years (i.e. nurture)
• Both nature and nurture equally
• Don’t know

Question 5:
Which period of a child and young person’s life do you think is the most important for health and happiness in adulthood?

• Start of pregnancy to 5 years
• 5-11 years (primary school)
• 11-16 years (secondary school)
• 16-18 years (further education)
• 18-24 years (young adulthood)
• Don’t know
• All equally important

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your views on the early years of childhood?

Click here to visit the 5 Big Questions website.

The Duchess was stylish in a separates look in camel, brown and black tones.

Kate wore Massimo Dutti's Limited Edition Buttoned Coat in camel (with thanks to Caroline Parr). The garment is described as: "Classic, sophisticated and with a flattering silhouette for the feminine figure, this camel-coloured coat made of natural fibres will be an essential piece this season. Tailored coat made of wool and cashmere. Featuring a slim fit, peak lapels, double-breasted button fastening, two flap pockets, long sleeves with four-button cuffs, a back vent and lining."

Kate wore a black turtleneck sweater with an animal print skirt by ZARA. The flowing midi skirt with faux leather waistband was on sale for just £10 before selling out.

Kate's boots are thought to be a past season Ralph Lauren style.

Kate wore her sold out Accessorize earrings.

And a new gold medallion style necklace with G, C and L engraved on it.

The piece is by British brand Daniella Draper (with many thanks to Middleton Maven). The Personalised Gold Midnight Moon Necklace is a classic piece. It has sentimental value with the children's initials engraved and today was a lovely occasion to debut it. I expect it was a gift over Christmas or Kate's recent birthday. It's available for £,1070.

I'm looking forward to seeing the results. Did you participate in the survey? I'm very much hoping we see more day tours like this. I found the trip to Wales particularly interesting as William and Kate will be Prince and Princess of Wales when Charles is King. I'd love to see a 'Wales Week' every year, perhaps over the summer when the children are on holidays. It would be a wonderful opportunity to highlights some of the fantastic charitable organisations, explore areas of interest in depth there and continue to nurture a lasting relationship with the country.

Monday 20 January 2020

Duchess Kate In Sparkling Red Needle & Thread Dress For UK-Africa Investment Summit Reception

On behalf of the Queen, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hosted a reception at Buckingham Palace this evening to mark the UK-Africa Investment Summit.

The UK-Africa Investment Summit took place in London today. It brought together heads of state and government and senior representatives from African countries, key multilateral agencies and high profile UK and African businesses. Kensington Palace said: "The summit will demonstrate the strength of the relationship between the UK and Africa, showcase and promote the breadth and quality of investment opportunities across Africa, and highlight the UK’s commitment to supporting economic development in Africa, including through the creation of jobs and new partnerships."

Upon arrival, William and Kate enjoyed meeting with guests and leaders from all over the world.

There were plenty of moments like this too.

The Earl and Countess of Wessex were also present. Below, the Countess speaking to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The royals greeting each other warmly.

Wishing Sophie a very Happy Birthday - she turned 55 today. The Countess was also in red tonight, choosing a red scalloped Alaia dress.

Princess Anne mingling with guests.

The UK's trade with Africa is estimated around £33 billion and between now and 2035, African nations will have to create 20 million jobs per year to keep pace with the rapidly growing population. The government revealed "In the lead up to the summit, £6.5 billion of commercial deals have already been signed by British companies to deliver jobs, growth and investment across the UK and Africa, with deals worth billions more expected to be made during the course of the day. They are expected to mobilise billions of pounds in private sector investment for Africa, marking a new era of trade between the UK and Africa."

More from the Department of International Trade:

'Africa has 8 of the world’s 15 fastest growing economies and there is huge demand on the continent for clean, sustainable and innovative investment. As home to some of the world’s most enterprising technologies and the financial centre of the world in the City of London, the UK is perfectly placed to meet that demand and be the continent’s investment partner of choice. A range of programmes, totalling £370 million, include:
Supporting African countries to meet their rapidly growing energy demands through green energy, including better access to solar energy and electricity. Helping Africa thrive digitally through a £45 million programme helping young Africans, especially women, access the internet, develop digital skills and find jobs. Enabling at least 100,000 more women in Africa to secure high-quality jobs by funding their education and training.
A £200 million programme to help build basic trade infrastructure in southern Africa. The new programme will support upgrades to border posts, ports and roads. It will also work with governments and businesses to improve trade policies and cut red tape. Boosting the flow of private financing into African projects supporting girls’ education, healthcare and climate resilience.'

William and Kate chatting with guests.

During a speech, Prince William shared hopes for future trips to Africa and recalled proposing to Kate in Kenya almost a decade ago. "The African continent holds a very special place in my heart. It is the place my father took my brother and me shortly after our mother died. And when deciding where best to propose to Catherine I could think of no more fitting place than Kenya to get down on one knee." He continued "As Catherine and I have said to several of you here tonight, we hope to have the chance to visit many more countries in the future and share our mutual love of your continent with our children." The video below has footage of William's speech in addition to some lovely interactions between Kate and Sophie. The Countess jokes about forgetting the time for the reception, and Kate tells her "I need to practice my French Sophie".

Another shot from the reception shared by Buckingham Palace.

A group photograph at the Palace.

Earlier today, Prince William met with several leaders including Rwanda's president Paul Kagame. People's Simon Perry revealed the Cambridges would undertake two tours this year. Perhaps visiting several Commonwealth countries in Africa is in the planning?

William greeting Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo.

The Duchess chose a fabulous sparkling red dress by Needle & Thread for the occasion. It's a shorter version of the brands £410 Aurora Sequin Gown. During 'Styling Kate' posts, Needle & Thread has been suggested with some frequency and it's easy to see why. Designs include whimsical, elegant pieces - often times with signature embellishment or sequin detail. Many of their pieces would be ideal for Kate, I hope we see more in her evening-wear rotation.

The ruffled neck dress is described as "A vision of tulle and shimmering embellishment, the Aurora gown from Needle & Thread presents a grown-up way to wear sequins. From chevrons and diamonds to floral shapes and horizontal panels, each and every one has been purposefully placed, resulting in a light-catching finish that's sure to garner a whole host of compliments."

A shorter version of the Aurora is available at Net-A-Porter.

Kate teamed the dress her red suede Gianvito Rossi pumps.

And her Jenny Packham Casa clutch.

Kate completed the look with a new pair of statement earrings by Soru Jewellery. Kate's Royal Closet spoke to the brand who revealed they are a 2017 style. They will be available for pre-order tomorrow.

The £140 Ruby earrings are described as: "Handcrafted from 18kt yellow gold vermeil on sterling silver, genuine semi precious ruby gemstones are set within multi facetted sparkling crystals. Slight natural variances may occur between colours, shapes and sizes of the gemstones. We use natural gemstones which may contain internal inclusions, adding to the beauty and uniqueness of each individual gem."

The Palace confirmed the Duke and Duchess will attend the UK Holocaust Memorial Day Commemorative Ceremony in Westminster next Monday. 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Additionally, reports are beginning to surface regarding a two-day trip to the Republic of Ireland for the Cambridges in March. We should hear more on that in the coming weeks.