Thursday 30 January 2020



How many of you know I love and support Ty Hensley, Jake Hensley and love their work ethic? Many hands are raised. I mean... I can't see them... but in my imaginary auditorium... I see everyone's hands up. OK... anyway... let's get to the point...

Ty Hensley throws 100 mph. HE'S BACK MOTHER F-ERS!

He's back and he's getting better every day.

Ty Hensley's journey was long and hard... but in the end, when everyone wrote him off... he kept coming. Working out like a monster, staying healthy... finding his happy place... the love of baseball, the love of life. Hensley could have given up about 10 to 20 times since I've known him. Lord knows I probably would have.

The deck was stacked against him many times. But last season he had an incredible time with the Unicorns, an independent ball club out of Indiana, and then, yesterday it was proven that he is superhuman... hitting 100 on the gun, as reported on Twitter.

For the record I want to state that the Bleeding Yankee Blue family has been in this guy's corner since he was drafted by the Yankees. We stood by his side through all the highs and the many lows and you know what? I am thrilled and honored to say that the Hensley's are my friends... great people.

Many will see this story and think that it's ridiculous that I wrote a story on BYB about how Hensley hit 100 on the gun. It's not ridiculous... it's just another major achievement that needs to be reported. Challenges are always in life. But's it how you navigate that makes you the person you are. I have always been impressed with Ty.

Unstoppable folks. Where he goes next is anyone's guess, but I can tell you one thing... BYB will be right there with him. No doubt.

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