Thursday 5 September 2019

Princess Charlotte's "Very Excited" For First Day Of School

Princess Charlotte marked a significant milestone this morning as she arrived with William, Kate and big brother George for her first day of Reception at Thomas's Battersea.

For all parents, preparing your little one for their first day of school is a very special time; from taking snaps for the family album to assuring them they are going to be absolutely fine and have a brilliant day. I imagine seeing them in their uniforms and realising he or she is growing up is a bittersweet part of the day. I'm sure many of you can relate to those feelings as school term commences.

This morning will have been particularly important to Kate. Two years ago, when George attended his first day of school, the Duchess was unable to take him as she expecting Louis and suffering from Hyperemesis gravidarum.

Charlotte held Kate's hand as they arrived.

During the summer, the Cambridges enjoyed a two-week break to Mustique where they celebrated Prince George's birthday, and divided the remainder of their time between their Norfolk home Anmer Hall and Kensington Palace, before travelling to Balmoral to visit Her Majesty and Prince Philip.

The family were greeted by Helen Haslem, head of Thomas' lower school, William told her Charlotte's "very excited" about school.

More from The Telegraph:

'The Duchess said "Good morning! How are you? Did you have a nice summer?" before encouraging Charlotte to shake hands. The Duke added: "First day! She's very excited." While George chatted happily, Princess Charlotte walked slightly behind her mother and tugged on her hand in a shy contrast to her usual confident appearances. 
Princess Charlotte has become known for her spirited appearances in front of the cameras, usually seeming calm and confident in her rare moments in the spotlight. As she visited her brother Prince Louis at the Lindo Wing following his birth, she charmed onlookers with an impromptu look and wave behind her as she climbed the steps.
During his christening, she was caught on camera cheerfully telling photographers "you're not coming" as she walked to a tea party with her family. In a recent trip to a charity sailing regatta on the Isle of Wight, she left the Duchess laughing after she poked her tongue out at a waiting crowd.'

The Princess will be known as Charlotte Cambridge at school. People recently reported the four-year-old "can't wait to be at big school with George. She's so excited about it all". We know she's very outgoing, characterful and has a playful personality, undoubtedly she's eager to dig into a new adventure.

I remember George arriving with William, full of apprehension and those first day nerves. According to various reports since, he's settled in brilliantly and is very much enjoying school life. He's beginning Year 2 today.

Those Cambridge expressions :)

Making their way inside where George will be reunited with old friends and Charlotte will be introduced to new ones. Kate said "George will help lead the way".

Charlotte's schoolbag was decorated with a Unicorn charm.

Thomas’s Battersea is a busy, thriving, purposeful school, educating 560 boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 13. The most important school rule is 'Be Kind'. Core values include courtesy, honesty, respect, leadership and independence. The school, has been described by the Good Schools Guide as: "A big, busy, slightly chaotic school for cosmopolitan parents who want their children to have the best English education money can buy. That is what they want and, to a large degree, that is what they get." The school has a big focus on celebrating a range of different cultures within its walls, with 19 languages spoken in the homes of its pupils. The fee-paying school charges in the region of £17k per year.

The Headmaster writes about Thomas's:

'We offer a rich and broad curriculum, with Art, Ballet, Drama, ICT, French, Music and PE all taught by specialist teachers from a child’s first day in school. The school is structured in three, three-year stages (the Lower, Middle and Upper Schools) within a framework of 'Enjoyment, Learning and Achievement', which informs a child’s journey through the school. Children join at the age of four and leave at 11 or 13. Whilst we are proud of our record of senior school entrance and scholarship successes, we place a greater emphasis on a set of core values, which include kindness, courtesy, confidence, humility and learning to be givers, not takers. We hope that our pupils will leave this school with a strong sense of social responsibility, set on a path to become net contributors to society and to flourish as conscientious and caring citizens of the world.'

Thomas's believes that the Early Years Foundation Stage is fundamental in instilling positive dispositions towards learning. In the Reception year children play and explore; make choices and learn to have a go and persevere; be creative and solve problems; form good relationships; be safe, secure and happy. A stimulating environment, including a multi-sensory outdoor play area, supports the teachers’ planned activities and the children’s own initiatives for learning. The seven areas of learning and development that comprise the Early Years Foundation Stage are: personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, physical development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design.

Students enjoy a nutritious and varied lunch menu adapted seasonally. Wholesome, organic and vegetarian options are offered. Think warming soups, plenty of fruit and vegetables, wheat twisty pasta, Mediterranean couscous and baked smoked mackerel served on a bed of puy lentils and lamb ragout with garlic and fresh herbs, served with organic grated cheese, baton carrots and cucumber. Desserts include tropical fruit smoothies and oatmeal and raisin cookies.

The Duchess wore her very pretty MICHAEL Michael Kors Carnation Georgette Dress.

The multicoloured summery dress is described as "a colorful carnation print in shades of red, pink, navy and white. Made from lightweight crepe, it's buttoned through the front so you can customize the neckline, and has softly gathered sleeves. Knot the coordinating leather belt to define your frame." Kate first wore it for Harry and Meghan's wedding rehearsal last year.

A closer look at the print.

The past season £150 piece is sold out, however Middleton Maven notes it's available in a scarlet/black botanical print at Bloomingdales.

It appears Kate wore her navy suede Prada pumps.

The Duchess accessorised with her Asprey Oak Leaf earrings.

Kate's lighter locks received much commentary on social media this morning. The cut actually reminds me of her hairstyle around the time of the engagement in 2010. It's very fresh and summery.

Wishing these two a great day!

Afterwards, the Palace shared this sweet photo of George and Charlotte taken outside KP this morning by Adam who works for the royals social media team. Are you seeing miniature version of Michael Middleton and the Queen? :)

In other news, Rebecca English reports Kate will visit RHS Wisley to see a new playground inspired by Back To Nature next week.

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